I never imagined giving up this much for Lent

Hello friends! It's been a while since I sat down to write but here I am now, ready to write.

What a year it has been and it's only April 1. Wow. I mean, WOW, what a year it has been. I don't know about you but March felt like the longest month of my life. There were enough memes floating around the internet to know that practically everyone agreed too. But then I saw this one which I'm pretty sure was meant as a joke  "I never imagined giving up this much for Lent".

I think I saw it at the beginning or March, shortly after Ash Wednesday and to be honest, it did make me laugh, like snorting milk out my nose laugh. I thought it was hilarious. And then I started seeing it, over and over again. I never imagined giving up this much for Lent. And then COVID 19 happened. Businesses started closing, schools stopped meeting in person, even church went to live-streaming only and as I look around, yeah, I never imagined giving up this much for Lent.

What all have I given up for Lent? Many things. First of all, the biggest elephant in the room for me at least; control. I have had to give up all control. And if you know me, I am sooooo guilty of being a control freak. We live and breathe by the news cycle now, where has the virus spread? How many new cases? And there is no control over that.  The virus is going to spread.

What else have I given up? My routine. I'm working from home now so my daily routine has changed dramatically. My office is my living room, my co workers are all virtual. It is really strange to only see people on conference calls. It makes me very anxious not knowing how long I'll be remote working or how long my company can operate like this. 

What else? The ability to choose where I want to go. Like, going outside like I used to for walks on the beach. The beaches are closed. This Florida girl is beach deprived. Please send help! (Just kidding, I'll survive).

And in the middle of all this negative news, the closing up of businesses, the reduced hours, the constant bombardment of what's happening I read these words in a prayer, "This is no surprise to God." Let me repeat that: This is NO surprise to God.

That struck me to my core. It is 100% absolutely right. God is not shocked by any of this. And that thought brought so much comfort to my anxiety riddled heart I started to cry. They were tears of relief. All of my fears started to ease at that moment. How silly it really seems to worry and fret when I'm reminded that this virus did not catch God off guard? God knew and he's already seen through to the other side. Let that wash over you dear friend. And has he not promised that he will never leave us? In the Gospel of Mathew he promises "I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Mathew 28:20) but I love how the New Living Translation puts it "And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 

Be sure. Be confident. Even to the end of the age. The end of the age isn't here yet. So by de facto, Jesus is still with us.

Once that thought got into my head it's been impossible to get it out. And it's spiraled into so many other verses that remind me to be hopeful and to keep my eyes on Jesus.

Romans 5:3-5: Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,  and endurance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.(New English Translation) 

Isaiah 40:10: So do not be fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your G0d. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (ESV) 

How powerful is that? 

So while I never imagined giving up with much for Lent I do feel the things I "gave up" were all things I needed to give back to God. 

Control: I am not in control of my life, God is. How often to we think of ourselves as totally in control and completely write God out of it? I'm guilty of it. This Lenten journey has taught me that I truly am not in control and it's okay. It's actually better than okay. I don't want to be in control. God has such a much better plan for my life than I could ever dream of! 

Routine: It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane oof every day and go through the motions each day that we can forget to look around and be grateful for what we have been so richly blessed with. By forcing myself to have to make cognizant changes to my routine I feel like my eyes have been opened. I now have more time to stop running a break neck speed. Tonight my husband and I sat out on the patio and just listened to it rain and told stories. We simply stopped and slowed down. 

The ability to go where I want to when I want to: I do miss the beach and being able to go for walks what I have found is the ability to create a little paradise in my own home and be intentional about the people right around me. I smile at people more as I walk around the neighborhood. And they're smiling back. 

So where do we go from here? What happens now? This isn't going to last forever. What all will change when we get back to "normal"?

My hope is a return to an attitude of let's get back to first things first. Let's get back to daily devotions with our families, encouraging our friends, being responsible with ourselves, physically, mentally, financially. Let's appreciate the little things. Let's look for the hand of God in everything. 

At the end of the day we know this: Jesus has the power. He has the power over wind and waves, power to heal and the most important of all; power over death and the grave. In these final days of Lent leading up to Holy Week and Easter Sunday let that be our daily thanksgiving; God has the power of death and the devil. 

So as we face this uphill battle, keep your hands clean and your hearts open to how God can work through you. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn but Jesus says, "Take heart, for I have overcome the word." John 16:33

I leave you with challenge: how is God using you in the midst of this struggle? What special place has he put in you in to do good? How can you further the kingdom right here and right now?

~just the musings of the 20s :)


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*All Bible quotes are ESV unless otherwise noted



  1. I love, love, love this post. You are right on. Such wonderful insights. Thank you for making my world less scary. Hugs from the midwest.


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