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On the Road Again

Hello friends and welcome back!  as fall is on the horizon I've taken some time to sit back and reflect on our summer. And wow! It was quite the quite the summer here at Casa de Murdy. We had the fun opportunity to travel A LOT this summer to see all of our family and wow was it awesome. Tiring but awesome!  We were gone for 19 days between July and early August to see both sides of our family. We crisscrossed Indiana for almost two weeks with a week at home in the middle to unpack and repack for another week in Michigan. When I told a lot of my friends our summer travel plans most of them looked at me like I was crazy. "You're going to be gone for how long? With a baby?" and varying degrees of "Wow, I could never do that."  Now that we've been back for a while and are thinking about our upcoming holiday travel I've taken a little time to reflect on our trips and how special they were.  So here's my reflections and encouragement to other parents ...

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